#MyWaveOfHappiness Challenge Terms and Conditions

#MyWaveOfHappiness Challenge 


Here are the terms and conditions which apply to The Wave and GoPro’s “MyWaveOfHappiness.” Please read these terms carefully as they contain important items participants should know. These terms are final, and winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. 


Promotion Terms 
Organiser  The Wave (“The Wave”) (“Organiser”) 

GoPro, Inc. (“GoPro”) (“Sponsor”) 


Promotion title 


My Wave of Happiness Challenge (“Promotion”) 
Challenge  As part of The Wave’s 2022 ‘Happiness comes in Waves’ summer campaign, we want people to share photos and/or videos that shows us what that means to them, capturing a moment of happiness or a view that brings them happiness at The Wave.   

This can include surfing, staying, eating, drinking, relaxing or even skating, and point of view or world view taken on a GoPro and posted to Instagram.  

Promotion period  From August 1st 2022 at 6:00 AM GMT through October 1st at 11:59 PM PDT (“Promotion Period”) 
Award date  Selected on or before October 20th 2022 

Winners & communication 

1 winner, plus 2nd and 3rd runner up notified via direct message through Instagram from @TheWave.  
Monthly showcase  Each month during the promotion period, The Wave can select some images entered in the month and share to The Wave social media.  


The Wave will request the image or video to be sent via email to ensure the best quality.  


The overall winner does not have to be an image that is posted during these monthly showcase posts.  

Prize(s)  1st – A Go Pro Hero 10 camera, with additional mounts (Surfboard Mount and The Handler) storm dry bag   

2nd – GoPro Surf mounts (Surfboard mount, The Handler) and lifestyle gear (1x Cap, 1 x T-shirt, 1x Storm Dry Backpack)  

3rd – GoPro lifestyle gear (1xCap, 1x T-shirt, 1xStorm Dry Backpack)  



Prize value 

1st – £695 

2nd – £220 

3rd – £155  

How to Enter 
  1. Post a photo or video captured on a GoPro at The Wave to Instagram (other social media platforms will not be accepted e.g. Facebook/Twitter) 
  1. Hashtag the post with #MyWaveOfHappiness and Tag @TheWave and @GoPro so we can find it and include it within the promotion, ensuring your post is public so we can view it.  


No entry fee or purchase required.  


  1. 1. Who can enter?

The “Promotion” is open to all. It can only be entered using a GoPro at The Wave, Bristol.  


  1. 2. How do I enter?

You will need to submit your content through an Instagram account. In doing so, please use the appropriate hashtag aligned with the Promotion and make sure your account is public so we can view the imagery. Submissions must meet the requirements of the competition to be eligible including format, deadline and any other rules. Further, we advise you to consult the judging criteria listed below. Also, please note no purchase will be necessary to enter, however only imagery taken on a GoPro is eligible for the competition.  

Additional Submission Requirements: By entering a photo or video, you certify that the video is one’s original content, and the content does not infringe on any 3rd party’s rights. If 3rd parties (friends, family, strangers, or children) do appear in the video, we ask for you to receive permission to use their image. No mail-in entries will be allowed and any use of automatic programming to submit entries will be void.  


  1. 3. How is a winner picked?

We will rely on a panel of talented judges from The Wave and GoPro, as well as an independent professional photographer. This panel will pick the winner based on the particular criteria applicable for the Promotion with an emphasis on skill needed to produce the content. Our judging criteria will consist of Performance and style (25%), Composition and framing (25%), and creativity and emotiveness (50%). We emphasise luck will play no role in this decision as our judging gurus make the final call relying on their expertise in this field. 

Be aware the judges will not be required to provide feedback on each photo/video and reserve the right to disqualify any submission which is improper, unlawful, or breaks any rules of the competition. 



  1. 4. What happens to my submission?

 The Wave will search for and view all images submitted. By submitting an entry for the promotion, you consent to The Wave and Go Pro using the imagery for both commercial and non-commercial purposes and naming you as credit for creator of the imagery. If you win the Promotion, The Wave and Go Pro can use your name and photograph to announce the winner of the competition, and for marketing purposes unless you tell us not to. Typically, we will notify you if your content will be used in this manner.  


Copyright License: By submitting an entry You agree to grant The Wave and GoPro a royalty free right and license, with the right to sublicense for the purpose of this promotion and marketing materials. Basically, The Wave and GoPro will receive a license to use your imagery when you submit through the Promotion.