We've been battling all weathers on site in Bristol during February but despite the best efforts of the rain and snow the build is pushing full steam ahead. Read our latest update and see behind-the-scenes shots as the wave-making technology arrives.
Foundations are ready for the central pier
Since Christmas the construction team has been creating the large structural elements including the sides of the lake and the foundations for the central pier area. They’ve been making great progress and you can now clearly see the shape and depth of the lake. The sheer scale of it is mind-blowing. The team visited the site in mid-February to walk the ground where waves will be rolling in a matter of months. It made everything feel very real indeed. Needless to say the team went back to the office fully charged about delivering the project.
Reusing material wherever possible
We are using the excavated material from site to form the structural fill around the lake. By reusing material on site, rather than sending it away, we are cutting down on transportation and the associated carbon production. We will also be using this material as part of the clubhouse foundations, which are currently being dug.
Wavegarden technology arrives in Bristol
The highlight for February was the arrival of six lorries from Spain. They were packed to the rafters with the steel structures that form part of Wavegarden’s incredible wave-making technology. It’s fair to say we are all pretty excited!
We are now moving into a top secret phase, as the technology starts to be installed. We won’t be able to share as many photos as we might like while Wavegarden’s engineers work their magic. However, we will still be posting updates on progress and sneak peeks when we can.